N Neil Holden Dec 2, 2009 #1 Hi all Gurus, is it possible for a user to be able to add comments to a worksheet without unprotecting the sheet in Excel. Thanks.
Hi all Gurus, is it possible for a user to be able to add comments to a worksheet without unprotecting the sheet in Excel. Thanks.
H Homey Dec 2, 2009 #2 yes is posible. you have to pick 'edit objects' on sheet protction dialog box. | Hi all Gurus, is it possible for a user to be able to add comments to a | worksheet without unprotecting the sheet in Excel. | | Thanks.
yes is posible. you have to pick 'edit objects' on sheet protction dialog box. | Hi all Gurus, is it possible for a user to be able to add comments to a | worksheet without unprotecting the sheet in Excel. | | Thanks.