1)The default text in a comment is the username, can I change it to the
current date?
No, but you could use a macro to change all instances of Application.UserName at
the beginning of cell comments to Format(Now, "mm/dd/yyyy").
2)is it possible to write a commont across all sheets, or perhaps have one
cell for another comment on a differnt sheet?
Not without programming.
3)Can I force a comment entry after a user enters data in a cell?
You could force users to enter comments using a Change event handler, but unless
you write a natural language parser to verify that users enter something
meaningful, I guarantee you'll have lots of users who just enter qwerty or zzz
or similar garbage as comments most of the time. 'Mandatory automatic
documentation' is one of the most easily and frequently bypassed 'features' in
most data entry applications. If you treat your users like children, they'll
prove you're shortsighted. The presence or absence of needed comments in data
entry applications should be a management problem and addressed as such, not a
software design issue. Don't fool yourself or your 'customers' into believing
that you can relieve them of the nasty business of disciplining lazy data entry
workers by making comments mandatory.