Commas in Excel textbox moves my sentence to the next row



I am using Excel 2007. When I create a textbox in Excel and write several
paragraphs, what happens is that in a sentence with lots of commas, my text
gets moved to the next row, even though there is plenty of room for some of
the words to fit on that previous line.

For example, if I write, "I am going to the store to buy fruits, veggies,
candy, milk, ..." the part "fruits, veggies, candy, milk" all get moved to
the next row. That leaves a huge gap in the previous line.

What I do now is going to that line and pressing "Enter" to create a
breakpoint. But the problem is, as my text gets editted, I have to go back
and re-space all my sentences again.

Matt Richardson

I am using Excel 2007. When I create a textbox in Excel and write several
paragraphs, what happens is that in a sentence with lots of commas, my text
gets moved to the next row, even though there is plenty of room for some of
the words to fit on that previous line.

For example, if I write, "I am going to the store to buy fruits, veggies,
candy, milk, ..." the part "fruits, veggies, candy, milk" all get moved to
the next row. That leaves a huge gap in the previous line.

What I do now is going to that line and pressing "Enter" to create a
breakpoint. But the problem is, as my text gets editted, I have to go back
and re-space all my sentences again.


Are there spaces between your commas? If not then Excel will treat
the whole thing as one continuous string.

Matt Richardson

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