hi; sorry for my bad english or typos
i am searching for a command line tool that allows to change exif properties
within a large amount of images in a directory and also in subdirectories.
something like
exifchg abc??.* /s -artist My Name -cright (c) 2004 Dick Tom and
Harry -authcomm please contact me at www.tomdickandharry.ext
for changing exif attributes ...
or like
exifchg abc??.* -v -artist >file
for viewing and saving "artist" exif attribute in a file ...
does it exist something like that?
i am searching for a command line tool that allows to change exif properties
within a large amount of images in a directory and also in subdirectories.
something like
exifchg abc??.* /s -artist My Name -cright (c) 2004 Dick Tom and
Harry -authcomm please contact me at www.tomdickandharry.ext
for changing exif attributes ...
or like
exifchg abc??.* -v -artist >file
for viewing and saving "artist" exif attribute in a file ...
does it exist something like that?