leon Galushko
I want to set a CommandButton (Click - Event) to let the programm code
(below) progress.
The question is how is that exactly to do on the point.
The as boolean declared variable "PROCEED" is turning "FALSE" after
complieting While Wend - Loop and hereafter is coming the Text on the
TextBox that
can be operated through the User. The User had completed his task and
would have after activating CommandButton to let the programm run
When I have added that code defining the CommandClick - Event to run
Public Sub command1_click()
End Sub
It was fruitless!
The programm has to carry on if the user action (Click Event) has turnt
the variable "true", but it doesn't anyway.
What would bet he the right apprroach to it?
Leon Galushko
Public Sub form_load()
'declared variables"
While End <> True
If IsNumeric(Right(strTemp, 1)) = False Then
Text1 = Text1 + strTemp + " " + vbCrLf + t.ReadLine + " " + vbCrLf
Else: Print #1, strTemp
End If
strTemp = t.ReadLine
str2 = RTrim(strTemp)
proz = Right(str2, 6)
schl1 = (Left(str2, 17) & " " & Right(str2, 6))
schl2 = (Left(str2, 19) & " " & Right(str2, 6))
schl3 = (Left(str2, 18) & " " & Right(str2, 6))
schl4 = (Left(str2, 20) & " " & Right(str2, 6))
If schl1 = schluss1 Or schl2 = schluss2 Or schl3 = schluss3 Or schl4 =
schluss4 Then Ende = True
Close #1
Ende = False
!!! - COMMAND BUTTON CLICK "PROCEED" should take True - Value to make
If PROCEDED = True Then
strTemp = t.ReadLine
' weiterer Quellcode....
Public Sub Einlesen_Click()
Open strFile For Append As #1
str0 = Text1 + " " + vbCrLf
Print #1, str0
Close #1
Text1 = ""
End Sub
I want to set a CommandButton (Click - Event) to let the programm code
(below) progress.
The question is how is that exactly to do on the point.
The as boolean declared variable "PROCEED" is turning "FALSE" after
complieting While Wend - Loop and hereafter is coming the Text on the
TextBox that
can be operated through the User. The User had completed his task and
would have after activating CommandButton to let the programm run
When I have added that code defining the CommandClick - Event to run
Public Sub command1_click()
End Sub
It was fruitless!
The programm has to carry on if the user action (Click Event) has turnt
the variable "true", but it doesn't anyway.
What would bet he the right apprroach to it?
Leon Galushko
Public Sub form_load()
'declared variables"
While End <> True
If IsNumeric(Right(strTemp, 1)) = False Then
Text1 = Text1 + strTemp + " " + vbCrLf + t.ReadLine + " " + vbCrLf
Else: Print #1, strTemp
End If
strTemp = t.ReadLine
str2 = RTrim(strTemp)
proz = Right(str2, 6)
schl1 = (Left(str2, 17) & " " & Right(str2, 6))
schl2 = (Left(str2, 19) & " " & Right(str2, 6))
schl3 = (Left(str2, 18) & " " & Right(str2, 6))
schl4 = (Left(str2, 20) & " " & Right(str2, 6))
If schl1 = schluss1 Or schl2 = schluss2 Or schl3 = schluss3 Or schl4 =
schluss4 Then Ende = True
Close #1
Ende = False
!!! - COMMAND BUTTON CLICK "PROCEED" should take True - Value to make
If PROCEDED = True Then
strTemp = t.ReadLine
' weiterer Quellcode....
Public Sub Einlesen_Click()
Open strFile For Append As #1
str0 = Text1 + " " + vbCrLf
Print #1, str0
Close #1
Text1 = ""
End Sub