I used a commandbuilder for my DataAdapter.
i have a dataadapter "Pather" and a dataadapter "Sons"
in "Pather" table i have and identity field that i use in "Sons" table
to join them.
How can i know with identity number i have for my new "Pather" row ?
How can set my "sons" rows with this identity value ?
I hope my bad english is little clean.
Thank's a lots
I used a commandbuilder for my DataAdapter.
i have a dataadapter "Pather" and a dataadapter "Sons"
in "Pather" table i have and identity field that i use in "Sons" table
to join them.
How can i know with identity number i have for my new "Pather" row ?
How can set my "sons" rows with this identity value ?
I hope my bad english is little clean.
Thank's a lots