CommandbarComboBox change event

  • Thread starter Thread starter Muskaan
  • Start date Start date



I have a COM Addin for Microsoft outlook that adds a toolbar
containing a CommandBarComboBox (Edit box) and a CommandBarButton.

The problem is that the Change event is only fired when the "Enter"
/"Tab" key is pressed after changing the content of the ComboBox. So,
when a user enters some text in the combobox and then clicks the
Button(without pressing Enter or tab after entering text), the content
of the combobox is not kept and it returns to it's previous value.

Is there a way I can get the content of the ComboBox when the user
doesn't press Enter or tab before clicking the CommandBarButton?

Has anyone out there been successful in developing a workaround for
this problem?

One possible solution I can think of is to write a windows hook to
intercept Kill_Focus event for CommandBarComboBox, and get the new
text in the ComboBox(edit control)before the kill event of the
CommandButton is called... but I am not sure how this can be
done...Any Ideas????

Thanks a lot!
G'day (e-mail address removed) (Muskaan),

If you're even contemplating system hooks you are several steps above
most of us :-)

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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Muskaan reckoned: