CommandBar Position TOP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Seli
  • Start date Start date


hello there,

I am having a really diffuclt time positioning the toolbars where I
want them in Access 2000 and XP. I have a main toolbar open and docked at
top, and I want to open an additional toolbar in line and to the right
of the main one as part of an on_click event.

the problem is that the second toolbar drops to the line below instead
of appearing in line with it (for some users). therefore i need a way
to programmatically ensure they open in a single line.

the main bar .top = 23 and using the sub below i attempt to set the
additional toolbar .top = 23 as well. the problem is that it continues
to = 49!

i can manually drag it up to the top line and Access will 'remember'
the position the next time I open, but I distribute this as an .mde
and users have to manually drag it up every time they open.

I am at my wit's end and desperately need to get this working
properly. Can anyone help???

thank you!!

Set cmdBar = Application.CommandBars("xy")
With cmdBar
.Visible = True
.Top = 23
.Position = 1

..Top remains at 50 (=second row) even if there is enough space at first
(.top=23) row!!!