"Die you gravy scucking pig" works for me. ;-)
You are probably thinking of msconfig.exe, the System Configuration Utility.
The System Configuration Utility is meant to be used for troubleshooting
not as a startup manager.
The correct method for removing any startup is to use the program that
placed it there in the first place. Always check the main program's own
options or preferences, or the notification area icon's options (if the
program has one) before resorting to any startup manager.
Look to see what programs you have listed under the Startup tab. Open
those programs, one at a time, and look in Options, Settings,
Preferences, Properties or similar. Look to see if there is an option
like: Load at startup, or: Start when Windows starts or similar.
Uncheck or de-select these options.
With some programs there is no option to stop this. The only way is
with editing the Registry. My suggestion would be to download, install
and run Startman or an equivalent start manager.
[[StartMan is a startup manager created to address some of the
shortcomings in Microsoft's original System Configuration Utility
(MSCONFIG.EXE). MSCONFIG is primarily a troubleshooting tool, not a
startup manager, and as such it does not permit the permanent removal of
startups - they can only be disabled.]]
Startman will show what the startup programs are and allow you to
disable their startup properties. It shows how or where a program is
started. If a program is started from Registry entry, it shows the
path, so you can go there and edit (delete) the entry. There is also an
option that sends you to Pacman's Portal to show a recommendation if a
particular program should or should not start at startup.
Startman 1.3.96 is available here:
StartMan is a GOOD Utility, I use it all the time, especially after
installing software. Everything you install wants to run at startup.
StartMan shows where something starts from. Check out the Help in
StartMan also! You can either have StartMan disable startups or just
use it to find where something is loading from. Best thing is, it only
runs when you start it. StartMan does not run in the background.
Startup Control Panel is another pretty good application.
[[Startup Control Panel is a nifty control panel applet that allows you to
easily configure which programs run when your computer starts. It's simple
to use and, like all my programs, is very small and won't burden your
system. A valuable tool for system administrators!]]
Download the EXE Version and just extract the executable wherever you want.
Startup Control Panel
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User