autoexec.bat has nothing to do with it.
Uninstall Command Window Here and get this..
26. Add Command Line to the Right Click
It adds two registry entries...
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Command Prompt Here]
@="Command &Prompt Here"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Command Prompt Here\command]
@="cmd.exe /k cd %1 "
The only lines in autoexec.bat that Windows XP will read are the lines that
begin with SET or PATH. *If* ParseAutoexec is set to 1. Otherwise XP
ignores autoexec.bat completely.
When this value is enabled the variables listed in the Autoexec.bat file
will be parsed and included in the current user environment.
Value Name: ParseAutoexec
Data Type: REG_SZ
Data: 0 or 1
0 : Ignores Autoexec.bat at logon.
1 : Parses Autoexec.bat at logon.
This has no effect on the parsing of AUTOEXEC.NT or CONFIG.NT by the MS-DOS
or 16-bit Windows environments (VDMs).
INFO: Configuring Parsing of the AUTOEXEC.BAT File
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Richard Ahlvin said:
I re-downloaded and re-installed but it evidently is the same as I
already had.
My question was: where is the shell command so I can edit it such that a
startup batch file (e.g. autoexec.bat) can be run when the "Open Command
Window Here" on the explorer menu (right click) is selected.
Also how do I get rid of the "DosHere" menu choice, since it does not
Wesley Vogel said:
You got a hold of an old version.
[[The DOS Prompt Here PowerToy from the original Win95 set doesn’t work
in Win XP.]]
Try this one, it's for XP...
Open Command Window Here
Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User