Oliver Rasto
why is it, that when i type 'dir' in the current directory it alaways lists
the contents of the root directory?
i.e. when i type 'dir' in 'c:\winnt\' then it lists the contents of c:\
when i type 'dir' in 'i:\src\php\' then it lists the contents of i:\
When i have a file called 'file1' in directory 'c:\directory1' and i run
'type file1' in that directory then i get 'The system cannot find the
filespecified'. But when i copy the file 'file1' in the root directory 'c:\'
and i run the command 'type file1' in ANY direcotry on the drive it works
OK, even if the file 'file1' is not in the current direcotry.
What is wrong with my system?
Thank you.
why is it, that when i type 'dir' in the current directory it alaways lists
the contents of the root directory?
i.e. when i type 'dir' in 'c:\winnt\' then it lists the contents of c:\
when i type 'dir' in 'i:\src\php\' then it lists the contents of i:\
When i have a file called 'file1' in directory 'c:\directory1' and i run
'type file1' in that directory then i get 'The system cannot find the
filespecified'. But when i copy the file 'file1' in the root directory 'c:\'
and i run the command 'type file1' in ANY direcotry on the drive it works
OK, even if the file 'file1' is not in the current direcotry.
What is wrong with my system?
Thank you.