: On 9 Sep 2004 09:03:05 -0700, Grod wrote:
: > classExec abc.xls --action print
: >
: > does not give me the expected error message about printing (I am still
: > on the computer with no printer so I am testing that it works by seeing
: > if I get an error message) but if I change the command to:
: >
: > classExec abc.xls --command [PRINT]
: >
: > then I do get the error message so it appears I may have a complete solution
: > provided I check for .xls file in my batch file and process .xls files
: > using the above command and other files using commands such as:
: >
: > classExec abc.doc --action print
: >
: > with the abc.doc replaced by whatever filename I want to print even if its
: > a .pdf, .ppt, or .txt file.
: >
: > I still have to retest all this on a computer with a printer but in
: > the meantime this is my best potential solution.
: The success of this usage of classExec depends on the 'Print' DDE shell
: handlers in your registry. If there is one for a given file group (i.e.
: files with the same extension) classExec should work. You can test this
: by right clicking on sample files of all file types you eventually need
: to print. If a working(!) 'Print' entry appears in the context menu
: classExec should do fine, too.
: There are other ways to batch printing jobs. Many programs support
: command line parameters for direct printing. PowerPoint for instance
: has a /p switch. Winword on the other hand only supports an indirect
: way for print-only jobs. You can write a macro which just prints on
: the default printer and after that closes Winword. Now you can start
: Winword with the /m switch executing your special Print-macro.
: Excel is a bit more mulish. But there is a small tool available which
: seems to do the trick. KJHDI12 claims in experts-exchange his little
: hack PrintXls will do the trick. I have no need to test this. But if
: you don't get the needed results with classExec you can look here and
: try it on your own:
Thanks very much. Since it seems that I will have to special case Excel
anyways its no harder to call printxls and printxls has the advantage that
it seems to work even with Norton Antivirus on. I am still on a computer
with no printer which limits how much I can test but so far this seems to
be the basis for a solution.
By the way, do you know where to get a complete list of possible actions
for use with the action parameter:
classExec file.doc --action X
for Excel, Word, etc. without mucking around in the registry or are the
ones listed when we do this the only ones available:
1. Open windows explorer
2. Select the menu "Tools"
3. Select the menu "Folder options"
4. Choose the tab "file types"
5. Search for the file type DOC
6. Make sure the extension DOC is selected
7. Press the Advanced button
Also how does one get a complete list of the possible commands to use
with the --command parameter (i.e. what goes in the [...])
for Excel, Word, etc.