I don't believe so. I have found it very trying at times, attempting to discover if
Windows programs can be manipulated from the commandline.
It took me over ten years to find out that "Regedit.exe" accepts the "/s" switch to
avoid the "Are you sure...?" dialogue when importing a reg file.
Somebody in one of these groups told me about that one.
But I have found others by typing the exe-name into Google, like this :
[ Explorer.exe switches ]
....it came up with a really good one for that search :
But there's no central repository for "Windows programs"
For the so-called "Command-line Tools" in XP - you can type :
command line A Z
into the "Help and Support Center" provided in XP and you should see the item :
"Command-line reference A-Z" displayed in the results pane.
Click on it, and you'll have a centralized guide to all of the tools you can use with
the Win XP "Command Prompt"...
Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.