I run the following code from a command button and I have no problem opening
up HSFinancialMgt.mdb. The problem is I want to add
a command line function to this and I don't know how to code it.
Shell """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSAccess.exe"" " &
"""c:\HomestayDevelopmentNY\HSFinancialMgt.mdb""", vbNormalFocus
I can put the following code into the run box and have no problem. How can I
get this into my program code?
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSAccess.exe"
"c:\HomestayDevelopmentNY\HSFinancialMgt.mdb" /cmd 12345
I think this is a matter of setting quotations marks, but I tried everything
with no success.
up HSFinancialMgt.mdb. The problem is I want to add
a command line function to this and I don't know how to code it.
Shell """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSAccess.exe"" " &
"""c:\HomestayDevelopmentNY\HSFinancialMgt.mdb""", vbNormalFocus
I can put the following code into the run box and have no problem. How can I
get this into my program code?
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSAccess.exe"
"c:\HomestayDevelopmentNY\HSFinancialMgt.mdb" /cmd 12345
I think this is a matter of setting quotations marks, but I tried everything
with no success.