I haven't tried it with Map Point and I don't know Map Point's command line
structure. However, I've used the following with Expedia to get a web map.
Private Sub lblMap_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As
Single, y As Single)
Dim hlk As Hyperlink, msg As String, strHLAddress As String
Dim strAddress As String, strCity As String, strState As String, strZip As
Dim strOldString As String, strNewString As String
Set hlk = Me!lblMap.Hyperlink
strOldString = " "
strNewString = "+"
strAddress = Replace(Nz(txtStreetAddress1, ""), strOldString, strNewString)
strCity = Replace(Nz(cmbCity, ""), strOldString, strNewString)
strState = Replace(Nz(txtState, ""), strOldString, strNewString)
strZip = Left(Nz(txtZipCode, ""), 5)
strHLAddress = "
http://www.expedia.com/pub/agent.dll?qscr=mcst&strt1=" &
strAddress & _
"&city1=" & strCity & "&stnm1=" & strState & _
"&zipc1=" & strZip & "&cnty1=4"
hlk.Address = strHLAddress
End Sub
This changes the hyperlink in a label when the mouse moves over the label so
that when it is clicked it will send the address information to Expedia.