command and conquer red alert playing problems

Oct 6, 2004
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hii, i have just tried to install command and conquer Red Alert and i am getting weird problems, fisrt it comes up with the autoexec.nt problem, so i sort it out, then install it, then when i try to run the agme it says D:\Redalert\setup\install.exe is missing when i have already installed the game and the disk is in the drive, does anyone know what the problem is? thanks for reading :)
Which file are you using to run the game? I had to enable Compatibility settings (Win95) when I used Windows XP.
By the way, are you running it on Linux? I've just noticed this thread is in the Linux section of the Software forum... if not, I'll move it to Windows Applications.
This is a Linux thread.

If your trying the use the WINE emulator in Linux.
WINE doesnt work with all windows programs it will only run common stuff like MS word, IE and most stand alone programs for Windows.