Netgear makes a bunch of those turds.
Perhaps you've gleaned from my tone that I'm not impressed by those
devices. It may be that the XE102s are a particularily bad example of
that technology, or that I had a bad batch, but I found them to be very
Certain bridges would only seem to work in certain sockets, and a number
of them would not work for any significant period of time without a
reset. At first I thought it might be the circuitry of the house, as it
had experience a number of remodels, but it turned out the bridges
behaved just as badly in a completely different environment.
It's a bit of a pain, but I still think it's worth stringing Ethernet
lines throughout your house. Hopefully you already have some cable tv
lines run, and you can just buy some new double-duty faceplates to
expose your existing cable, and newly strung Ethernet. Run it all back
to where the phone and cable lines make access into your house. Make
sure you buy high quality lines.