coming from j2ee and starting c#, wondering about custom tags?

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Does c#/.net support custom tags like j2ee does? I don't mean to start a
flaming war, I'm just honestly looking to find out. From what I've
seen/google'd it doesn't, so I just thought I would ask here, maybe I was
missing something?

And while I'm at it, does c#/.net have something similar to ejbs? And what
about servlets? Do you call methods in dlls and that's the similarity
between servlets?

I don't know if I'd say "like j2ee does", but if you mean something similar
to taglibs, then "perhaps". You can do this by writing server controls and
putting them in an assembly, then referencing that assembly from the pages
you want to use those server controls in. To use them, you insert
<prefix:control runat=server property1="value" property2="value"... /> into
your aspx page. Or, by adding it at runtime. It's a different model than
what I think you're asking, but it can behave similarly if you really want
it to.

When you ask about simliar to ejbs or servlets, I can't answer -- similar in
what aspect? The ASP.NET can be - it is HTML generated from code, somewhat
similar to servlets in that manner. By using ASPX pages, you can have the
framework generate some of the code for you, so it's similar to ASP in some
ways... but your question is a bit too vague to really be answered in this
Philip Rieck said:
I don't know if I'd say "like j2ee does", but if you mean something similar
to taglibs, then "perhaps". You can do this by writing server controls
Yes, I figured it was a bit of a vague question, but you did help me out.
ways... but your question is a bit too vague to really be answered in this
You did help me out, you started me in the right direction. Thanks.
And while I'm at it, does c#/.net have something similar to ejbs?

I wouldn't say equivalent or similar but you may want to check out Enterprise Services/Serviced Components:

Understanding Enterprise Services (COM+) in .NET

..NET Framework Developer's Guide: Writing Serviced Components

Don't be repelled by the "COM" in "COM+" - its just a marketing name. "Component Services" doesn't exist within
..NET (yet) but its no problem to create Serviced Components in C#.