Comcast.Net Homepage

  • Thread starter Thread starter ColTom2
  • Start date Start date



I and apparently a lot of others are having problems with getting
Comcast's homepage to fully open. I have Googled this problem and no one
seems to have an answer and neither does Comcast. I have contacted their
Tech Support via phone, chat line, and now email and have gotten absolutely
nowhere in finding a resolution to this problem. In addition, the problem is
sporadic in that sometimes, not very often, it will in fact fully open.

I might add this problem appears only with my Internet Explorer
7.0.5730.11 and not with Opera 9.26. I have emptied everything with IE
except the kitchen sink, reinstalled Adobe Flash Player after completely
uninstalling it and everything else that I can think of to no avail.

There were some postings about Linksys router causing this problem due to
firmware, but I have completely bypassed my Linksys router and still have
this problem. I ran from cmd prompt Release/Renew my DHCP.

If anyone has any suggestions as to what might be the cause of this
problem I sure would love to hear from you....and apparently lots of others
as well as Comcast!


Right-click on the IE shortcut icon and select the Start without add-ons
option. You can then manage which add-ons are enabled, in Tools | Manage
Add-ons, after you've started IE7. If this solves your problem, enable
add-ons one at a time, testing as you go, until you find the culprit.
Hi Bob:

You hit part of the nail right on the head and thanks a ton! SpyBot Search
& Destroy was the culprit and as soon as I disabled it the main portion on
the left side fully loads now.

However, there is an advertising section just to the right of the main
section that now opens that will not open. It's an advertisement whose
source apparently is Yahoo, but I can't find out to prevent blocking it.
I'm getting that error msg on this advertisement that says "Internet
Explorer Cannot" etc.

Here is Comcast's homepage if you wish to take a look and see what you
think about the advertisement portion on the right side.

Again thanks so much for at least solving the main problem!


P.S. I tried disabling everything to get the right side advertisement to
open. Sometimes it will, but most of the time it will not open.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob" <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: Comcast.Net Homepage

Right-click on the IE shortcut icon and select the Start without add-ons
option. You can then manage which add-ons are enabled, in Tools | Manage
Add-ons, after you've started IE7. If this solves your problem, enable
add-ons one at a time, testing as you go, until you find the culprit.
*Report back, please*

ColTom2 said:

I and apparently a lot of others are having problems with getting
Comcast's homepage to fully open. I have Googled this problem and no one
seems to have an answer and neither does Comcast. I have contacted their
Tech Support via phone, chat line, and now email and have gotten
nowhere in finding a resolution to this problem. In addition, the problem
sporadic in that sometimes, not very often, it will in fact fully open.

I might add this problem appears only with my Internet Explorer
7.0.5730.11 and not with Opera 9.26. I have emptied everything with IE
except the kitchen sink, reinstalled Adobe Flash Player after completely
uninstalling it and everything else that I can think of to no avail.

There were some postings about Linksys router causing this problem due to
firmware, but I have completely bypassed my Linksys router and still have
this problem. I ran from cmd prompt Release/Renew my DHCP.

If anyone has any suggestions as to what might be the cause of this
problem I sure would love to hear from you....and apparently lots of
as well as Comcast!



Right-click on the IE shortcut icon and select the Start without add-ons
option. You can then manage which add-ons are enabled, in Tools | Manage
Add-ons, after you've started IE7. If this solves your problem, enable
add-ons one at a time, testing as you go, until you find the culprit.
You're welcome ColTom2,
If you unblock 3rd party cookies (not recommended) you'll be able to see the
Hi Bob:

IE7 is set to allow all First and Third party cookies, but the
advertisement is still being blocked most of the time.


You're welcome ColTom2,
If you unblock 3rd party cookies (not recommended) you'll be able to see the
Which AV program are you running?

ColTom2 said:
Hi Bob:

IE7 is set to allow all First and Third party cookies, but the
advertisement is still being blocked most of the time.


You're welcome ColTom2,
If you unblock 3rd party cookies (not recommended) you'll be able to see
Hi Bob:

I do not have Zone Alarm installed, but I know what you are talking about
with them. I also am using standard Windows Firewall.

I have already done what you suggested by adding as a Trusted Site.

In the blocked advertisement screen on the right it has "Advertisement"
hyperlinked and when I click on it I get about Comcast Ads. This page has a
"Click Here" to learn more about Yahoo etc at It
shows me as being "You are currently opted in". I suppose I could Opt Out
and see what happens.

I sure appreciate all your input and will keep checking to see if you come
up with any additional ideas.

Thanks again,


Ok, that would not cause the problem.

I don't know if you're using it, but the ZoneAlarm firewall might.

The only other thing I can think of is to add to
the "allowed sites".

Good luck.
I was just thinking the same thing!


FWIW I would simply ignore it. Not seeing an ad is a nice problem to have.
I have the same problem with the ads on the right side not always loading
altho they do sometimes. I uninstalled the new version of Spybot as it
seemed to be a problem and remember having this problem from around that
time. Have called Comcast and emailed and have done several things and also
contacted Microsoft who referred me to McAfee who said the problem is with
the Comcast server. More of an irritant than a real problem.
One thing for sure Comcast does not have a clue about this issue, as I
contacted them via phone, live chat, and emails.
Apparently they have a BIG box of "generic" replies and they just reach in
blind folded and grab one and send it out to you!
And almost always with a different Tech Support Rep's name....
At least Bob helped me identify the conflict with SpyBot S&D and disabling
it let me at least have the screen on the left start working again. But the
Advertisement on the right is still a puzzle to be solved.....

Another salute to Bob!


I have the same problem with the ads on the right side not always loading
altho they do sometimes. I uninstalled the new version of Spybot as it
seemed to be a problem and remember having this problem from around that
time. Have called Comcast and emailed and have done several things and also
contacted Microsoft who referred me to McAfee who said the problem is with
the Comcast server. More of an irritant than a real problem.
Ryby said:
I have the same problem with the ads on the right side not always loading
altho they do sometimes. I uninstalled the new version of Spybot as it
seemed to be a problem and remember having this problem from around that
time. Have called Comcast and emailed and have done several things and
contacted Microsoft who referred me to McAfee who said the problem is with
the Comcast server. More of an irritant than a real problem.
I had the exact same problem so I will tell you what I did. McAfee & Norton
gets so much negative press, although Comcast provides the McAfee suite
free, I decided to give it up for a while. I downloaded the trial version
(3 months) of Windows Live One Care, it comes with a McAfee uninstall and
tells you at the beginning "One Care" is not compatible with McAfee &
Norton. I let it un-install McAfee and install itself. I then downloaded
the McAfee Software Removal tool and ran it. It appeared to find remnents
and had an option to view the un-install log but you will find that you dont
have time before it asks to reboot your system, which keeps you from viewing
the log. However, once the system is rebooted I have found that the
advertisement on the right, the black screen on the left that continually
refreshes, the local weather, and the red E-Mail count upper left all
worked fine. It gave a certain satisfaction. Hope it can work for you.
After the 3 month trial, I may even go back to McAfee if they have improved