Combox/Print issue




I have a real troublesome problem that I desperately need to get round. I'l give quite a bit of detail, I hope that if you don't know the answer you might offer any thoughts/suggestions or other places I can check

I've created a workbook that has 5 worksheets in it. The first is simple, only containing text

The other 4 worksheets have data in them, initially hidden. When you go to the worksheet, all you see are cells C1:M4. In these cells is a combobox (sitting over cell C4 - which is also the combox's linked cell - it is NOT a form combobox) that initially says 'Please select status'. The combobox fill range is A1:A3

The core data is hidden in cells A3:M### and the first 5 charecters of anything in column A will always match the first 5 characters of either cell A1,A2 or A3 (the combo fill range)

When changing the combobox it automatically unhides the rows containing data (done through a named range - 'RefDataHeight'), and then filters the data in column A to match what the combo selection was (there is an autofilter in cell A5). This is the code

Dim StatusSelected As Strin
Range("RefDataHeight").EntireRow.Hidden = Fals
StatusSelected = Range("C4").Tex
Range("A5").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=" & Left(StatusSelected, 5) & "*

This all works perfectly... but randomly, when changing a combobox Excel will sometimes crash

The most urgent problem though is that when printing it seems to consistently crash. I have set the combobox to not appear in print (it was appearing absolutely miniscule when printed) - it simply displays the linked cell (C4) behind it now

It will let you print once, but if you try and print any sheet again it crashes - it seems to flash up an enlarged image of the top couple of rows over the current display, and then say: error writing to <printer name>. Do you want to retry or cancel the job

If I retry it loops, if I cancel it crashes Excel with
EXCEL.exe has generated errors and will be closed by windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log is being created

I am running Excel 97 on Windows 2000

I tried it on an XP machine and managed to get hold of the error log (it still happenned). I can happily provide a print screen of this error report stuff. The Exception information it says is
Code: 0xc0000005 Flags:0x0000000
Record: 0x(and then a load of 0's) Address: 0x0000000030808c1

Any advice would really be appreciated - please respond if you have a thought
I'd rather not change the current set-up (i.e. use validation/form combobox

Thanks so much


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