I don't know about .Net FW2.0, but if ur using an older version (as most
of us still are) there's a plethora of solution out there... most of which
don't seem to work for most people (including myself). Here's one that
worked for me - I DID NOT WRITE IT (kudos to the person who did, but I
can't remember where I got it):
This solution let's you add a combobox that is filled by a datasource, it
is commonly used for foreign key fields where it is convenient to display
text where number are actually inserted. I don't know what you exactly
wish to achieve but this is can be adapted to suit most situations I think.
There are 3 parts to this listed below in this order:
1) DataGridComboBoxColumn.cs
2) myComboBox.cs
3) implementation code
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace YourNameSpace
public class DataGridComboBoxColumn : DataGridTextBoxColumn
public myComboBox myComboBox;
private System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager _currencyManager;
private int _rowNum;
private bool _Editing;
// Constructor, create our own customized Combobox
public DataGridComboBoxColumn()
_currencyManager = null;
_Editing = false;
// Create our own customized Combobox, which is used in the DataGrid
// DropDownList: The user cannot directly edit the text portion.
// The user must click the arrow button to display the
// list portion.
// DropDown: The text portion is editable. The user must click
// the arrow button to display the list portion.
// Simple: The text portion is editable. The list portion is
// always visible.
myComboBox = new myComboBox();
myComboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
// My own Combobox subscribes to the Leave Event. It occurs when the
// input focus leaves the ComboBox.
this.myComboBox.Leave +=
new System.EventHandler(LeaveComboBox);
// My own Combobox subscribes to the SelectionChangeCommitted Event.
// It occurs when the selected item has changed and that change
// is committed (save the changed data to the DataGrid TextBox).
this.myComboBox.SelectionChangeCommitted +=
new System.EventHandler(SelectionChangeCommit);
// Make current Combobox invisible when user scrolls
// the DataGrid control using the ScrollBar.
private void HandleScroll(Object sender, EventArgs e)
if (myComboBox.Visible)
// The ColumnStartedEditing method allows the DataGrid
// to show a pencil in the row header indicating the row
// is being edited. (base is the parent DataGridTextBoxColumn)
private void SelectionChangeCommit(Object sender, EventArgs e)
_Editing = true;
base.ColumnStartedEditing((System.Windows.Forms.Control) sender);
// Handle Combobox Behaviour when Focus leaves the Combobox.
private void LeaveComboBox(Object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_Editing)
// Set the Combobox ValueMember to the current RowColumn
// when the Focus leaves the Combobox.
SetColumnValueAtRow(_currencyManager, _rowNum, myComboBox.Text);
_Editing = false;
// Redraws the column
// Hide the current Combobox when Focus on Combobox is loosen
// Let current Combobox visible when user scrolls
// the DataGrid control using the ScrollBar.
this.DataGridTableStyle.DataGrid.Scroll += new
// The SetColumnValueAtRow method updates the bound
// DataTable "Titles" with the ValueMember
// for a given DisplayMember = myComboBox.Text from the Combobox.
protected override void SetColumnValueAtRow
(CurrencyManager source, int rowNum, Object value)
Object tbDisplay = value;
DataView dv = (DataView)this.myComboBox.DataSource;
int rowCount = dv.Count;
int i = 0;
Object cbDisplay;
Object cbValue;
// Loop through the Combobox DisplayMember values
// until you find the selected value, then read the
// ValueMember from the Combobox and update it in the
// DataTable "Titles"
while (i < rowCount)
cbDisplay = dv[this.myComboBox.DisplayMember];
if ((cbDisplay != DBNull.Value) &&
i += 1;
if (i < rowCount)
cbValue = dv[this.myComboBox.ValueMember];
cbValue = DBNull.Value;
base.SetColumnValueAtRow(source, rowNum, cbValue);
// The GetColumnValueAtRow method updates the bound
// Combobox with the DisplayMember
// for a given Row Number = rowNum from the DataTable "Titles".
protected override Object GetColumnValueAtRow
(CurrencyManager source, int rowNum)
// Get the ValueMember from the DataTable "Titles"
Object tbValue = base.GetColumnValueAtRow(source, rowNum);
// Associate a DataView to the Combox, so we can search
// the DisplayMember in the Combox corresponding to the
// ValueMember from the DataTable "Titles"
DataView dv = (DataView)this.myComboBox.DataSource;
int rowCount = dv.Count;
int i = 0;
Object cbValue;
// Loop through the Combox Entries and search the DisplayMember
while (i < rowCount)
cbValue = dv[this.myComboBox.ValueMember];
if ((cbValue != DBNull.Value) &&
(tbValue != DBNull.Value) &&
break; // We found the DisplayMember - exit the Loop
i += 1;
// If we are within the Combox Entries, return now the DisplayMember
// for the found ValueMember above. If we are at the End of the Combox
// Entries, return NULL
if (i < rowCount)
return dv[this.myComboBox.DisplayMember];
return DBNull.Value;
// The Edit event is raised when the user sets the focus to the cell
// containing the combobox. In this event the dimensions of the combobox
// are set and an event handler is assigned to handle scrolling of the
protected override void Edit(
CurrencyManager source,
int rowNum,
Rectangle bounds,
bool readOnly,
string instantText,
bool cellIsVisible)
base.Edit(source, rowNum, bounds, readOnly, instantText, cellIsVisible);
// Set current Rownum and Postion Manager
_rowNum = rowNum;
_currencyManager = source;
// Calculate Location of the Combox relative to the TextBox
// of the DataGrid which have the Focus
Point NewLoc;
NewLoc = this.TextBox.Location;
NewLoc.X -= 3;
NewLoc.Y -= 3;
myComboBox.Location = NewLoc;
// Attach the Combobox to the same Parent Control
// as the TextBox of the DataGrid
myComboBox.Parent = this.TextBox.Parent;
// Position the Combox at the same Location as the TextBox
myComboBox.Size = new Size(this.TextBox.Size.Width + 3,
// Select the Entry in the Combobox corresponding to the Text in
// in the TextBox.
myComboBox.SelectedIndex =
// myComboBox.Text = this.TextBox.Text;
// Make the TextBox invisible and then show the Combobox
this.TextBox.Visible = false;
myComboBox.Visible = true;
// Make Combobox invisible id User scrolls uo or down the DataGrid
this.DataGridTableStyle.DataGrid.Scroll += new
// The Commit method can be used to put the Combomox ValueMember
// into the TextBox ValueMember. This can be handled in the
// LeaveComboBox EventHandler as well.
protected override bool Commit(
System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager dataSource,int rowNum)
if (_Editing)
_Editing = false;
SetColumnValueAtRow(dataSource, rowNum, myComboBox.Text);
return true;
// The NoKeyUpCombo class derives a new ComboBox whose WndProc
// method is overridden. This is required to address issues when
// It is this derived combobox that is added to the datagrid.
// When you TAB trough the DataGrid and you reach the DropDown Combobox
// the Focus is immediately moved to the next Column.
using System;
namespace JNS_WinClient
public class myComboBox: System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
private const int WM_KEYUP = 0x101;
// The WndProc method corresponds exactly to the Windows WindowProc
// For more information about processing Windows messages, see the
// function documentation in the Windows Platform SDK reference located
// the MSDN Library.
protected override void WndProc(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message
// Ignore KeyUp event to avoid problem with tabbing the dropdown.
if (theMessage.Msg == WM_KEYUP)
base.WndProc(ref theMessage);
Implementation code (use in OnLoad)
//Set up combobox in datagrid
//dgFields is a datagrid
DataGridComboBoxColumn myDGCBC = new DataGridComboBoxColumn();
myDGCBC.myComboBox.DisplayMember = "FT_Name";
myDGCBC.myComboBox.ValueMember = "FT_ID";
If you have any problems look for one of the many other solutions out