ComboBox columns

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dorothy
  • Start date Start date


I have a combobox "cboFacilityName" which is made up of 5
columns, (the FacilityName, Region, Local#, StaffName,
PresName. Based on the FacilityName chosen, the other 4
fields(Region, Local#, StaffName, PresName)automatically
populate using this code "=cboFacilityName.Column
(1)", "=cboFacilityName.Column(2)" etc. My problem is -
once I close the form and open it again these 4 fields
only appear for the first record. (I do have a macro that
requeries the FacilityName place in the OnEnter. I have
taken the macro and placed it in the OnChange, OnDirty
(whatever that is) and it still does not work.) I would
appreciate any assistance you can offer. Thanks in

Are you saying the 4 fields each have their respective formulae, or that the
AfterUpdate event of the combo box "pushes" the updates into the 4
additional fields.

If the former, you may still need to use the AfterUpdate of the combo box to
trigger a


to have those 4 fields recognize the change.

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>
-----Original Message-----

Are you saying the 4 fields each have their respective formulae, or that the
AfterUpdate event of the combo box "pushes" the updates into the 4
additional fields.

If the former, you may still need to use the AfterUpdate of the combo box to
trigger a


to have those 4 fields recognize the change.

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Each of the 4 fields have their own formula, based on the
cboFacility dropdown. That dropdown is made up of the
Facility, Region, Local, StaffName, PresName - with column
count of 5 and column widths of "2;0;0;0;0" then each of
the 4 fields has a formula that pulls in the appropriate
column from the Facility cbo. It will staff for the 1st
record, but not the one following. The only thing I have
is a macro that requeries the Facilitycbo on Enter. Any
-----Original Message-----
cboFacility dropdown. That dropdown is made up of the
Facility, Region, Local, StaffName, PresName - with column
count of 5 and column widths of "2;0;0;0;0" then each of
the 4 fields has a formula that pulls in the appropriate
column from the Facility cbo. It will staff for the 1st
record, but not the one following. The only thing I have
is a macro that requeries the Facilitycbo on Enter. Any
One more finding. When I open the form all the fields are
showing the data just fine for the 1st record, but when I
go to record 2 the data is not there for the 4 fields
until the Facility field gets focus. If I leave the focus
on the Facility field and navigate to the other records,
the 4 fields are good. Thought this might help.