I have problem in combobox
I have table in 2 fields has combobox. Field1 is SCNO & Field2 is ItemNo.
ItemNo combobox looks another table called ItemList Table. And SCNO combobox
look another table call SubCodeList whish has ItemNo field too.
Problem is SCNO combobox lists all the subcode no. that SubCodeList table has.
I need to get SCNO in the combobox , only for the ItemNo that I Select in
combobox of field ItemNo. What code should I write for this combobox?
I have problem in combobox
I have table in 2 fields has combobox. Field1 is SCNO & Field2 is ItemNo.
ItemNo combobox looks another table called ItemList Table. And SCNO combobox
look another table call SubCodeList whish has ItemNo field too.
Problem is SCNO combobox lists all the subcode no. that SubCodeList table has.
I need to get SCNO in the combobox , only for the ItemNo that I Select in
combobox of field ItemNo. What code should I write for this combobox?