Your code's not doing what you probably think is is.
I'm guessing that you're hoping that
If LeadID = 32 Or 33 Then
will be true if LeadID is 32 or LeadID is 33. It's not: it'll always be
true. That's because Access treats any non-zero value as True, so in essence
you're getting (LeadID = 32) Or 33. Since 33 is a non-zero value, you'll
always have True being ORed with whatever the result is for (LeadID = 32).
You need
If LeadID = 32 Or LeadID = 33 Then
Alternatively, you could use:
Select Case LeadID
Case 32, 33, 44, 45, 46, 47
cboSource.Visible = True
Case Else
cboSource.Visible = False
End Select
(In SQL statements, you could use If LeadID IN (32, 33) Then)