Robert Painter
Hoping someone can help with this.
I have 2 cascading list boxes for query input.
The first is easy only 5 items from tblcategories.
the 2nd is 70 skills from tbl skills.
i have them working ok until it dawned on me someone may want skills from
two categories.
when i changed llstcategory multi select to simple the skill list went
when i try to carry selection over the first is lost
is it possible to select over both or should i change it to simple single
list box ??
hope you understand what i am getting at
Hoping someone can help with this.
I have 2 cascading list boxes for query input.
The first is easy only 5 items from tblcategories.
the 2nd is 70 skills from tbl skills.
i have them working ok until it dawned on me someone may want skills from
two categories.
when i changed llstcategory multi select to simple the skill list went
when i try to carry selection over the first is lost
is it possible to select over both or should i change it to simple single
list box ??
hope you understand what i am getting at