Combo/List Boxes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fordy
  • Start date Start date


I have a sheet with a combo box containing roughly 20 words and an empt
list box.

Is it possible for me to display in the list box a list of names fo
example which varies depending on what is chosen in the combo box.

For example my combo box has 20 holiday destinations, If i choos
France for example could I have my list box display a list of peopl
that had been to France.

Any help is much appreciated.

yes..i use the combo box from the toolbar and have made one combo box
populate the other via a vookuptable and match function.I dont use the list
box but i had a quick look and it looks like it is the same input wise
so you have your first combobox diplaying your 20 countries which are the
first row in your table.The first column in your table is a column of numbers
1 to 20
say your table is A11 i 22(okay its a small table
your countries are in b11,c11 etc
your numbers are in a12a13,a14 etc
your names are in the columns under each country
In the range of cells that make up the list for your list box type this
in the cell below
etc through to say
g8 is the output cell from your combo box
so you select france from the first dropdown box,the match finds france
across the top and vlookup puts mane1 in cell1,name 2 in cell 2 etc etc
get it?
send me an email with list to list in subject line and i can send an example
remove nospam for email addy!
(e-mail address removed)

Max said:
Not very sure, but perhaps you might want to
try Debra's coverage on creating dependent lists at:
