I have an unbound combo box in a form that when data is typed in (In this
case a PM Number) it pulls up all data related to that particular
number..works fine BUT now I need to figure out how to be able to add new
data to this form. I went to properties and tried setting limit to list to
"No" but it won't work. It tells me my bound field length (which is the PM ID
number) is wrong and must be changed.
unfortunatly it does not tell me changed to what. It is now 0";1" which
hides the Id Number and just shows the PM number. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Be kind i am a newbie.
case a PM Number) it pulls up all data related to that particular
number..works fine BUT now I need to figure out how to be able to add new
data to this form. I went to properties and tried setting limit to list to
"No" but it won't work. It tells me my bound field length (which is the PM ID
number) is wrong and must be changed.
unfortunatly it does not tell me changed to what. It is now 0";1" which
hides the Id Number and just shows the PM number. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Be kind i am a newbie.