Combo Boxes and Wizards

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thomas Kroljic
  • Start date Start date

Thomas Kroljic

Lately, whenever I try to create a combo box on a form using the wizard,
about half way through the process I get the following message:

Data cannot be retrieved from the source you have selected. You must
a different table or query to continue in the wizard.

I close the message and cancel the wizard process and build the combo box
manually. I'd like to
use the wizard again in the future.

My database is split between a frontend (forms) and backend (tables).

Any thoughts?

Thank you,
Thomas J. Kroljic

I believe the following article might be of some help.

You may receive a "Data cannot be retrieved from the source you have
ID: 839783.KB.EN-US CREATED: 2004-03-26 MODIFIED: 2004-04-28
The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Office Access 2003
- Microsoft Access 2002


This article applies only to a Microsoft Access database (.mdb).

Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.


When you try to start a wizard, such as the Combo Box Wizard or the
Lookup Wizard, the wizard may not start successfully. You may receive the
following error message:

Data cannot be retrieved from the source you have selected. You must
select a different table or query to continue in the wizard.


To resolve this problem, you must install the latest version of the
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC).
For additional information about how to download and to install the
latest version of
MDAC, visit the following Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web

I hope this is of some help.


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