Combo Box

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I have a table "A" that has two columns ... DiscountName
and Amount. I then have a table "B" with the same
DiscountName and Amount and I'm using a lookup with a
combo box. Is there anyway in table "B" when I select the
DiscountName, the column for Amount is automatic? So if I
select "Coupon" I get an automatic amount of "$1.00",
assuming that these two items have been set up in
table "A".
No there isn't and, more importantly, you shouldn't have to. It sounds like
you are using the so-called Lookup feature of the table design. If so, then
you should scrap that and modify your design slightly to get what you want.

DiscountID (make this an AutoNumber field)

ID_Field (make this AutoNumber)
DiscountID (this will be Long Integer)
---Other fields necessary for TableB

Create a data entry form for TableB and add a combo box to the form that
does a lookup for the value of DiscountID from TableA.