There are two parts to a combo; the textbox portion, and the list portion.
The textbox portion (the part you can enter text into) will only display one
value at a time. The list (drop-down) portion can display multiple values
both horizontally as well as vertically.
Each horizontal row represents a row in the combo's record source.
To display multiple values horizontally, you enter the name of a table or
query (or create one) in the combo's RowSource property, which returns
multiple columns (fields). You have to set the combo's ColumnCount property
equal to the number of columns returned by this table/query, plus you have
to set the display width of each of those columns in the combo's
ColumnWidths property. For example, if I were to set the combo's RowSource
as follows:
SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName
FROM Customers
....and set ColumnCount = 3, and finally set the ColumnWidths property as
....then I would see the company name and contact names in the list portion
when I drop it down.
If I then tried to type a value into the textbox portion, I would have to
enter a company name, because it is the first visible column. This is also
the value that is tested if I set the combo's LimitToList property to True.
When the combo is not dropped-down, the value you'll see is the first column
that has a positive non-zero width (in ColumnWidths).
Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia