Combo box

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Plz can someone help me in this.
I have a combo box in a form geting its data from a query. In the same form
I have a subform. The Combo box is used to find records and show it in the
subform, which is working perfect.
The problem is that when i open the form and click on the combo box and
choose the first field, the search result is null. I have to choose another
field, wait for its data to be shown and then open the combo box again and
choose the first field to have its data shown in the subform.

Why is this happening? What to do ?

P.S I am still new in Access, can someone help me out the easyiest way
possible? Thks. :)
Why do you have a subform? Usually I have a Main From, which is based on a
table or query and a combobox which retrieves a specific item based on some
PrimaryKey. My combo is usually the header section. The main data is then
displayed in the detail section of the form, not on a subform. The subform
is supposed to be there to display additional information about data on the
main form through a linked field.
Perhaps you need to be clearer on what your structure is.
I am using the subform to see the customers transactions.
When I open the combo box drop down list and I choose the first name in the
list, nothing happens. If I choose another name, the subform is populated by
the various transactions corresponding to that name.If after that I choose
the first name, it works.
So everytime I open this "serach form", if I want the first name in the
combo box, I have to choose another one first, and then choose it later to
have its info shown in the subform.

Why is this happening? what to do?