Combo Box

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How do I get the info not already in the combo list to be
added to the list after the first time it is entered.
Example if I have A, B, C already in the dropdown box if
i enter D in the field I would like it to be in the
dropdown list in the next record
How do I get the info not already in the combo list to be
added to the list after the first time it is entered.
Example if I have A, B, C already in the dropdown box if
i enter D in the field I would like it to be in the
dropdown list in the next record

Look at the online help, and the sample code at, for "Not In List".
<b><u>Solution 1
Error handling is perfect for this - In the combo box set
the properties to "LimitToList=True" this will cause an
error when you try to enter something that is not in the
list. At this point by recognizing the error number you
can add what they entered to the table or list box
property and refreshing the list bix. (NOte: Tables make
it alot easier that changing the property of a form)

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