Combo box won't insert correct field.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frank Martin
  • Start date Start date

Frank Martin

On a form we have a field called 'Address'.

We want to insert an address field from an old obsolete table "CustAcnts".

On the form we have converted the "Address1" text box to a combo box and
filled in the properties as follows:

ControlSource: Address1 (the field name)
RowSource: A query on the old "CustAccnts" table, with two columns, the
first being 'CustName' and the second 'Address1'.
BoundColumn: =2. (ie the second query column which we want inserted.)
Formatting: 2column,

We cannot get the second query column value inserted into the field, even
with the bound column as 0,1,or 2, because the first column 'CustName' is
inserted no matter what.

We can get it in if we make "Address1" the first query column, but then the
autolookup feature will not work.

We have done this with other combos OK, but this one will not work for some

Please help, Frank
Are you sure about what is going into the "field"? A combo box will show its
first visible column in its window once a selection has been made but the
value in the bound column should still be what it going into the "field" in
the table.
We have made many other successful combos and the only difference here is
that the RowSource is a table not associated with the present form.
I am having the exact same problem. No matter which bound
column I select It displays the contents of the first. I
have also done numerous other combo boxes without this
problem any help would be greatly apprecitated.

Using a table not associated with the present form as the row source is
normal. Did you manually type in the control source in the box or did you
select it from the drop down? I'm wondering if you have 2 tables in the
query feeding the form that each have a field with the name you are using
for the control source. If so, you will probably need to specify the table
and field. Using the drop down to select the control source would probably
be the easiest.

If you're positive that everything else is set properly then it sounds as if
the combo box or form is corrupted. Have you tried the same thing on a new
form to see what happens? Also, try a compact and repair to see what