I have a combo box and I can populate it with my class of dat
(the class allows me to store each userid,username called - see code below
I want the user to select the dropdown and see the username - but also determine the UserID from what was selected
(using DisplayName from the combo box??
I can populate the combo box without problems - BUT the user sees "System.object[]" in each item of the combobox not the username
***here is my clas
Public Class clsUser
Private msUserName As Strin
Private miUserID As Intege
Public Sub New(ByVal vsUserName As String, ByVal viUserID As Integer
msUserName = vsUserNam
miUserID = viUserI
End Su
Public Property UserName() As Strin
Return msUserNam
End Ge
Set(ByVal Value As String
msUserName = Valu
End Se
End Propert
Public Property UserID() As Intege
Return miUserI
End Ge
Set(ByVal Value As Integer
miUserID = Valu
End Se
End Propert
End Clas
thank yo
(the class allows me to store each userid,username called - see code below
I want the user to select the dropdown and see the username - but also determine the UserID from what was selected
(using DisplayName from the combo box??
I can populate the combo box without problems - BUT the user sees "System.object[]" in each item of the combobox not the username
***here is my clas
Public Class clsUser
Private msUserName As Strin
Private miUserID As Intege
Public Sub New(ByVal vsUserName As String, ByVal viUserID As Integer
msUserName = vsUserNam
miUserID = viUserI
End Su
Public Property UserName() As Strin
Return msUserNam
End Ge
Set(ByVal Value As String
msUserName = Valu
End Se
End Propert
Public Property UserID() As Intege
Return miUserI
End Ge
Set(ByVal Value As Integer
miUserID = Valu
End Se
End Propert
End Clas
thank yo