This is the querie that my form is based on:
SELECT Recipe_header.Recipe_Name, Recipe_header.Recipe_Description,
Recipe_header.Recipe_Catagory, Recipe_header.Preptime,
Recipe_header.Portions, Ingredient_Catagories.Ingredient_Catagories,
Ingredients.Ingredient_Description, Rec_Ing.Ingredient_Id, Rec_Ing.QTY,
Rec_Ing.Description, Recipe_header.Method
FROM Recipe_header INNER JOIN ((Ingredient_Catagories INNER JOIN
ON Ingredient_Catagories.Ingredient_Catagories = Ingredients.[Ingredient
Catagory]) INNER JOIN Rec_Ing ON Ingredients.Ingredient_Id =
Rec_Ing.Ingredient_Id) ON Recipe_header.Recipe_HeaderID =
I only save the Ingredient ID in my table (Rec_Ing) the Catagorie and
Description is only for the report or form. This was supose to be a simple
data base for meal plans with recipes and shopping lists to make my own
Hope this helps and thank you for the reply
Al Campagna said:
You wrote...
I'm wondering why you're saving the IngredientID somewhere else, and
reentering it in another location. Sounds like you have some table
problems, but without any detail regarding your tables and form setup, I
can't say for sure.
Please describe your Main form setup, and your subform setup, how they
are related, and where, why, and what you are trying to accomplish by
reentering the IngredientID into an unbound control.
Al Campagna
Access MVP 2007
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