I have 3 Status values that the user can select in a combo box on a form. 1)
Not Worked 2) In Progress 3) Resolved. Once the user selects the desired
value and has completed other components of the form, they click a command
button on the form that says "Save & Close Entry". I want the value they
select in the combo-box to write to the Entry table. I have the Entry
table's Status field as the control source. And made a values list for the 3
options they can select in the record source property of the combo box. What
do I need to do to get the Status value they select to populate the Status
field on the Entry table? Any ideas or different approaches are much
Not Worked 2) In Progress 3) Resolved. Once the user selects the desired
value and has completed other components of the form, they click a command
button on the form that says "Save & Close Entry". I want the value they
select in the combo-box to write to the Entry table. I have the Entry
table's Status field as the control source. And made a values list for the 3
options they can select in the record source property of the combo box. What
do I need to do to get the Status value they select to populate the Status
field on the Entry table? Any ideas or different approaches are much