Combo Box tricks needed...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Mitchell
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Bill Mitchell

Does anyone know of a way to:

1. Allow the results of a combo box to display more than
one line per record? Would really be cool if each line
adjusted to fit the text in the record.

2. Change the color or boldness of various lines
depending on parameters I choose?

I have never seen anything like this but it would be cool
if it existed.

Thanks in advance.

If you are looking for a control that allows multi-lines for the list box,
or also control the colors, then check out t-list.

I am not 100% sure if it supports multi-line combo boxes, but it likely
does, as the list box part allows colors, graphics, and also word wrap, and

Check out:

The above is one way cool control, and it works in ms-access. It *really*
can do a lot of cool things.

In addition to the above screen shots, here one from ms-access using the