Combo Box Selection Into Table.....

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I am working on a simple(?) form that records new purchase order information.
The Vendor and General Ledger Code are both combo boxes (built on two other
tables), while the other three fields are directly tied to the table. I
built the form using the form wizard.

The problem I am having is figuring out how to take the values from the
combo boxes and plug them into the Purchase Order Table. I can see the
selected values in cmbVendor.Value.

Thanks in advance.
Is your form based on the Purchase Order Table? If so create a combo
on the form and store the value selected into the proper field.
The form is built off the Purchase Order table (I assume you mean using the
form wizard and selecting the PO Table for the form basis). The combo box is
on this form, and is built from a query that references the Vendor table.

The problem I am having is referred to in the last part of your suggestion
"Store the selected value into the proper field." How? I can see the value
while in debug as having been the value selected in the combo box, but can't
"force" the value into the Purchase Order table. I'm sure it is a simple bit
of code, but I am so new at this I can't find it.
OK, first double-click on the combo box while in design mode. The
combo box properties opens. Name is the name of the combo box, control
source is the field you are entering the value for, row source type
should be table/query, row source is either a query or an SQL
statement. If all of these propterties are filled correctly, once you
select a value from the combo box it should be save in your table.
It worked! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Penguin said:
OK, first double-click on the combo box while in design mode. The
combo box properties opens. Name is the name of the combo box, control
source is the field you are entering the value for, row source type
should be table/query, row source is either a query or an SQL
statement. If all of these propterties are filled correctly, once you
select a value from the combo box it should be save in your table.