I posted a similiar question on the Forms Newsgroup but
received no reply there. So I'm going to try my luck
Basically I have
Table Z : Client, Color, BLAH
Table A : ClientName, ID , Color, BLAH......
Table B : ID, Color, BLAH.....
Table A's Color field is a combo box. With the row
SELECT Z.zColor FROM Z WHERE Z.Client=ClientName;
This successfully pulls all the Color values that the
given Client has.
I want Table B's Color field, which is also a combo box,
to pull it's values from Table A. The two tables are
linked by their ID field.
So I set the row source for B.Color as this:
This DOES NOT work successfully. Instead of ONLY pulling
the colors with the same ID as the current record ... it
takes colors from ALL matching records.
For example:
This is what happens ---------->
record 1 A: 1, red .......
1, blue ............
1, white .........
B.Color = red blue white
record 2 A: 2, pink
2, magenta
B.Color = red blue white pink magenta
This is what I WANT to happen ---------->
record 1 A: 1, red .......
1, blue ............
1, white .........
B.Color = red blue white
record 2 A: 2, pink
2, magenta
B.Color = pink magenta
I don't understand why it's not working. It seems like
the same situation as pulling A.Color from Z ... but it
is not working the same way. Any ideas?
Thanks for ANYTHING!
I posted a similiar question on the Forms Newsgroup but
received no reply there. So I'm going to try my luck

Basically I have
Table Z : Client, Color, BLAH
Table A : ClientName, ID , Color, BLAH......
Table B : ID, Color, BLAH.....
Table A's Color field is a combo box. With the row
SELECT Z.zColor FROM Z WHERE Z.Client=ClientName;
This successfully pulls all the Color values that the
given Client has.
I want Table B's Color field, which is also a combo box,
to pull it's values from Table A. The two tables are
linked by their ID field.
So I set the row source for B.Color as this:
This DOES NOT work successfully. Instead of ONLY pulling
the colors with the same ID as the current record ... it
takes colors from ALL matching records.
For example:
This is what happens ---------->
record 1 A: 1, red .......
1, blue ............
1, white .........
B.Color = red blue white
record 2 A: 2, pink
2, magenta
B.Color = red blue white pink magenta
This is what I WANT to happen ---------->
record 1 A: 1, red .......
1, blue ............
1, white .........
B.Color = red blue white
record 2 A: 2, pink
2, magenta
B.Color = pink magenta
I don't understand why it's not working. It seems like
the same situation as pulling A.Color from Z ... but it
is not working the same way. Any ideas?
Thanks for ANYTHING!