After entering what you suggested into the Row Source,
when I try and use the ComboBox, a box pops up that says:
Enter Parameter Value
Class Count.Class
Ok or Cancel
There is a place to enter text as well. I just clicked
ok, and the drop down list in the ComboBox was empty and
only showed one blank line. In the past I've found that
this had something to do with the Column Count and Column
Widths fields in the ComboBox Properties. When I get this
message, they are set to 1 and 1" respectively.
Class Count is a Query connected to a Table called Event.
The Table Event is where all the information from the Form
is being sent. There is another Table called Classes that
only has one column listing the class names. There is no
ID column in the Table Classes. I made the Table Classes
for the ComboBox in question, it is the Row Source. The
only field in the Query Class Count is Class from the
Table Event and I put in the Total line Count and in the
Criteria line <10. The Query Class Count seems to work
just fine.
All I want to happen is for the Form to notify me, either
by eliminating a class from the list, or by some other
means, when a class has been filled with 10 children.
If there is a better way to do this, than what I'm trying,
please let me know.
Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
Try this:
SELECT [Classes].[Classes] FROM [Classes]
INNER JOIN [Class Count] ON
[Classes].[Classes]=[Class Count].[Class];
Ken Snell
It is giving me an error that says:
Syntax error in FROM clause.
Thank you very much for your help.
Here are the previous messages:
Subject: Re: counting in forms
From: "HSalim" <
[email protected]> Sent: 7/23/2003
sorry, change that to a Count
I suppose you are using the GUI
so you add classid
click on the sum (sigma) button, Group by appears in
the totals row
now class id again, , make that a where
and then in the criteria type in < 10 under the where
Thank you for your help. I think this will work for
I just have one more quick question. Where in the
do I type count(*) < 10 ?
Thank you again,
-----Original Message-----
there are a number of ways to do this.
Since you already have a form:
One way to do it is to only present the classes
Your Combobox has a row source something like this
Select Classname from ClassTable
Instead try this:
1. create a query called qSumClasses
Select classid from studentclass group by classid
count(*) < 10
2. Change the rowsource of your combobox to:
Select T.classname from classtable join
qSumClasses Q
t.classid =
This will limit the classes you can select from the
down box.
There are of course other ways to do this, and this
suggestion may not be
appropriate for you.
so the next time, please post detailed questions.
I have a database full of children that are
for classes. I am entering the names and classes
forms. The classes are entered by using a combo
where the control source is a separate table. I
ten children per class. How can I make the form
tell me
that a class is full? If possible, could I
get a
step by step explanation? I am new to Access.
Thank you very much!
-----Original Message-----
I need to enter this informaion into a Row Source:
Select T.classname from classtable join qSumClasses Q
t.classid = q.classid
It was the answer I got for a question I asked last
I have been entering it as:
SELECT [Classes].[Classes] FROM [Classes] JOIN [Class
Count] on [Classes]=[Class]
I have been getting an error.
I just need to know if I am entering the information
Please refer to the past message:
Subject: counting in forms
From: "Jennifer" <
[email protected]>
Sent: 7/23/2003 2:09:01 PM
Thank you,