Combo Box returns correct data 1st but not after

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andrew
  • Start date Start date


Hi, I created a combo box on my form. The combo box draws
from a table with 4 fields: Work Order #, Bldg. #,
Project Title, and Project #. The field values are unique
with the exception of the Bldg. #. There may be
duplicates in the Bldg. # field as there may be multiple
projects in the same building. The combo box returns the
correct data when querying by bldg #, refreshing the
other fields on the form correctly for the 1st selection
of a building #. If I select the same building # again,
the data is not refreshed. I can select a different
bldg. # and the data is refreshed but when I go back to
the other bldg. #, I get the same data as before and then
I cnanot get the data to change. I nfact, I cannot select
another instance of the bldg # in the combo box drop down
list. Well, I do but when I go back to look at it the
original bldg. # selection is highlighted. I made the
Bldg. # and Title and compound primary key and that did
not help. I tried putting both the bldg. # and title in
my combo box and that did not work either. WOuld any of
you have any insight as to what my "operator (me)"
problem is?? :):) Thanks. Andrew, Albuquerque, NM

I'm not particularly clear on what your underlying data structure looks
like. Could you describe it a bit more (as in Table1 holds field1, field2,
....; Table2 holds ...)?
Hi Jeff,

Thanks for taking the time to look into this. here is
the underlying structure. The form "Comment03" has it's
Record Source a single table (tblVSProjID) with 5 fields:
Detail section of the form, the BLDG_NO field is the
combo box and next to that field is the TITLE field text
box. There is a subform (tblWorkRequestSubform)that has
it's Source Object set to a report (repWorkRequest1),
with the Link Child Fields and Link Master Fields both
set to the same field, PROJ_ID. The link is "Show
tblVSWorkRequest for each record in tblVSProjID using
PROJ_ID." The subform Record Source is a single table
(tblVSWorkRequest) with 26 fields. The combo box's Row
SourceType is "Table/Query" and the Row Source is "SELECT
tblVSProjID.BLDG_NO FROM tblVSPROJID;", with a Column
Count of 1. I hope this additional info helps.


Could I ask that you break this apart into smaller chunks -- it's a little
hard to swallow in such a large bite?!

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>