Combo Box refresh

  • Thread starter Thread starter George
  • Start date Start date


I am using an unbound combo box based on a query to look
up records on a form. The selected record is then
displayed on the same form as the combo box.

Users may then view the record OR update the record. If
the record is updated, then the info in the combo box
needs to change for the next lookup to be accurate. The
user never leaves the form and doesn't need to select a
command button to update the record.

I think that I need to run Requery on the Combo box, but I
can't seem to find the appropriate Event to attach it to.
Every event that I've tried seems to produce bad data, no
data, or errors.

Thanks for any help!

Try using Me.Refresh in the AfterUpdate event of the form itself. This
should trigger anytime a record is updated.

Gary Miller
Eureka! It worked.

I kept thinking it should be a Macro and had twisted into
the ground from going around in circles.
