Combo box question

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I have a database with a table 'Employees' and a table 'Skills'. I want a
form on which each employee can select his skills. That can probably be done
with a combo box on a form. However, it should of course be possible for an
employee to select multiple skills ;-)

I have tried setting the MultiSelect property of the combo box to Simple and
Extended, but I have not succeeded in storing the selected skills in a
table. How can that be done?

Thanks for any help,

I assume that there is a many-to-many relationship between
'Employees' and 'Skills'. The best way to address this is
with a third table 'EmployeeSkills' so that, for both
Employees and Skills tables, there is a one-to-many
relationship. The primary key for this table would be a
combination of the foreign keys to the Employee and Skills
With this table structure in place, you need to create a
Form for EmployeeSkills. This form would have the comboBox
for selecting Skills but should allow only one entry to be
selected. Having created the EmployeeSkills form, you can
then create the Employee form and incorporate the
EmployeeSkills form as a SubForm.
The overall efect will be to enter multiple rows in the
EmployeeSkills table for a single employee.

Hope That Helps
Gerald Stanley MCSD