COmbo box query

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joseph
  • Start date Start date


I have a from with two combo boxes.
First combo box looks up system name from a table (works evey time)
Second combo box uses a query to look up the sub-systemm name based on the
value of the first combo box. (works first time in)
When I go to a new record, ist appears that the query does not refresh.
Provide the data from teh initial lookup.
I have tried using the resourcetype code to provide a sql statement to pull
the data, same results.
Does anyone have an idea on how to cause the query to refresh?
To requery a comboBox, use it's Requery Method.

Hope This Helps
Gerald Stanley MCSD
In addition to the other comment do something like this...

Private Sub Conbo1_AfterUpdate()


End Sub

This will cause your SQL statement to be refreshed after every time a system
is selected in Combo1.

