Is it possible to configure a combo box to allow the user to eithe
select from a drop down list or directly enter data into the comb
boxes area? Ex. The choices for leader are Tony, Timmy, & Tommy.
Today, Mary needs to lead. Can unexpected data be entered?
Is it possible to conditionally format a cell using the result o
selecting a name from the above combo list. Ex. If Tommy is selecte
from the combo list, a cell with "SWIMMING" entered turns RED. (Tomm
can't swim and should not lead us in swimming)
Thank you
select from a drop down list or directly enter data into the comb
boxes area? Ex. The choices for leader are Tony, Timmy, & Tommy.
Today, Mary needs to lead. Can unexpected data be entered?
Is it possible to conditionally format a cell using the result o
selecting a name from the above combo list. Ex. If Tommy is selecte
from the combo list, a cell with "SWIMMING" entered turns RED. (Tomm
can't swim and should not lead us in swimming)
Thank you