Hi Derek
you can build a form with a combo box on it that provides the options for
the user - one approach to this is:-
1. create your query (or use your current parameter query)
2. use the report wizard to build a report based on this query (optional)
3. create a "options" form (e.g. FRM_QueryOptions) - make it an unbound
form but add a
combo box that takes its row source values from the field that you want to
set the criteria on
(name this field something recogisable) - close & save form
4. return to the query, click in the criteria line of the field that you
want to reference to the combo box on the form
5. click on the expression builder icon on the toolbar
6. go to forms / all forms / find the FRM_QueryOptions form, in the
centre section double click on the form control that will provide the
criteria for the query
7. close & save query
8. return to the form & put a command button on it to open the query (or
report) - close & save form
9. open form, choose the value from the combo box, click the button
Hope this helps