combo box not working

  • Thread starter Thread starter goss
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Hi all.

xl xp pro

I have 2 combo boxes on a wrksht
All of a sudden they do not work - though I can still see them
cmbBox1 has list of units for user to choose
cmbBox2 has list of periods for user to choose

All of a sudden the drop-down's do not work.
When I go into design view on the Control Toolbox and click on th
Combo box it does not show in the properties drop down dialogue box

The only item avail is wrksht1
When I create a brand new cmbBox - it is auto named cmbBox3

I've rebooted several times
I ran office update

I do use a corp. spreadsheet that has a lot of security on it.
Could it have done something to my xl environment that would disabl
the cmbBox's even in a different wrkbk?

Appreciate any idea
It is possible your comboboxes got converted to pictures.

Run code like this with the problem sheet as the active sheet

for each obj in ActiveSheet.OleObjects
msgbox & " at " & obj.topleftcell.address & _
for each shp in Activesheet.shapes
debug.print shp.Name & " type: " & typename(shp)

This might provide some insights. All msforms 2.0 controls should be
displayed in the first loop.
Thanks Tom

Here's the procudure as pasted:

Sub testObj()

For Each obj In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
MsgBox obj.Name & " at " & obj.TopLeftCell.Address & _
For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
Debug.Print shp.Name & " type: " & TypeName(shp)

End Sub
Came back with:
Run-time error: 1004
Unable to get the Object property of the OLEobject class
Never seen a problem with that. Try just running the shape portion and see
if you can figure out what these are:

Sub testObj()

For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
Debug.Print shp.Name & " Name: " & shp.TopLeftCell.Address _
& " Type: " & TypeName(shp)
End Sub
Thanks Tom

When I reopened to paste your new procedure I received a critical
problem alert with an option to send error report to MS.
I sent the error report.

XL then came up with recovery/repair option which I selected
Dialogue came back: " Errors were detected but MS xl was able to open
the file by making the repairs listed below:

Lost Visual Basic Project
Lost ActiveX Controls

I resaved the wrkbk with a new name
The cmbBox's still do not work

The modules must have been removed during the repair
They are no longer visible in the VBE
I have several buttons on the wrksht with macros assigned
Now when I click I receive "The macro cannot be found"

I tried opening the orginal wkrbk again
I am now receiving the "Encountered a problem" error message every time
I try to open the file.

MS OCA says another update avail. for Office
I'll run all updates and come back