Combo box not showing values

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tara
  • Start date Start date


I recently added two combo boxes to a form. The choices
in the second combo box are limited by the choice made in
the first combo box. I specifically did not want to use
a query for this, but ended up doing so anyway. Both
boxes appear to work fine and the data is stored
correctly in the table. However, I am having another
issue. When you go back into the form to view the data,
the data in the second combo box does not show up. For
example, the second combo box for family X should show
$15,675. Instead, it's blank. When I go into to look at
the underlying table, the data is there though. I'm
assuming this has something to do with the second combo
box being based on a query, but if so, how do I fix it so
that users can go back to review that data when needed?
Also, is there a way to define a combo box's row source
so that a query is not needed to limit the combo's
values? I could swear I've seen a something that used
that type of solution somewhere before, but no one seems
to be able to head me in the right direction.
Thanks for any help!

If I read you accurately-

Issue 1- Does the 2nd combo box have it's Control Source property set to the
correct field?

Issue 2- If these are simply listed values not being looked up from another
record source, set the Row Source Type to Value List and type the values you
want to use.

HTH |:>)
Thanks for the reply! In answer to your questions:
1-Yes, the 2nd combo's control source is set to the
correct field. However, the row Source is a query.

2-The values in the 2nd combo are being pulled from
another table called utlIncomeLevel. The actual values
pulled from that table are limited however by the choice
the user makes in the first combo. Once the user chooses
family size in the first combo (anywhere from 2 to 9)then
a query is run in which only certain values for each
family size are pulled. The results of that query are
the values the user selects in the 2nd combo. This
second choice is then stored in a table called
tblFamily. All of that seems to work fine. But when the
user goes back into the form to look at the family's
record again, the Income Level they chose in the second
combo does not show up.
I replied to your last post, but I have an additional
question as well. Isn't there some sort of user-defined
function that I can put into the RowSource that Access
can then use to limit the list depending on the choice I
make in the first Combo? I'd rather do that than to
continue using a query.
