Combo Box in different Group

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill
  • Start date Start date



Your help would be much appreciated.

I have three different groups that have combo box. When I select Group A
and then Group B and Group C become invisible while using Group A. Same
thing, when I select Group B and then Group A and C become invisible. I
create OPtion Button Frame - Group A, Group B and Group C.

I am having a problem when select Country - Group A to generate reports but
it comes to Group B and Group C show Country-Group C. Same thing with when
I select Group C and it pop up for Group A. I name all combobox
differently but it doesn't work.

Group A
Country ComboBox #1

Group B
Country ComboBox #2
State ComboBox #2

Group C
Country ComboBox #3
State ComboBox#3
City ComboBox#3
Hi Bill,

From your descriptions, I understood that what combobox disappear when you
have selected another one. However, I am not very sure about what you have
done to them. Would you please so kind as to show me a small sample, by
which I could reproduce this issue? It is highly appreciated if you could
provide additional information for discription.

BTW, You could post it here or send it to me directly
(e-mail address removed) (please remove online, it's only for SPAM)
More detailed information will get us closer to the resolution:)

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. If you have any questions or
concerns, don't hesitate to let me know. We are here to be of assistance!

Sincerely yours,

Mingqing Cheng
Microsoft Developer Community Support
Hi Bill,

1. in your botton "report preview" I find the codes like following

MsgBox "Report Open"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acPreview

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFitToWindow

2. in your Report1, unfortuantely, I found there is nothing exists, no
codes for anything
3. I guess you would like to make report differently according to diffect
choice of Group A, Group B and Group C
In this way, you could chose the following two ways
a. make 3 different reports and open different Report in "Report Preview"
according to different Group Selection
b. you could make different query according to different selection and send
them to report's recordset so that it could be different

In all, as I could not reproduce it on my machine, I want detailed
description for it, for example, would you please show me some process and
wanted result of your report?

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. If you have any questions or
concerns, don't hesitate to let me know. We are here to be of assistance!

Sincerely yours,

Mingqing Cheng
Microsoft Developer Community Support