Your help would be much appreciated.
I have three different groups that have combo box. When I select Group A
and then Group B and Group C become invisible while using Group A. Same
thing, when I select Group B and then Group A and C become invisible. I
create OPtion Button Frame - Group A, Group B and Group C.
I am having a problem when select Country - Group A to generate reports but
it comes to Group B and Group C show Country-Group C. Same thing with when
I select Group C and it pop up for Group A. I name all combobox
differently but it doesn't work.
Group A
Country ComboBox #1
Group B
Country ComboBox #2
State ComboBox #2
Group C
Country ComboBox #3
State ComboBox#3
City ComboBox#3
Your help would be much appreciated.
I have three different groups that have combo box. When I select Group A
and then Group B and Group C become invisible while using Group A. Same
thing, when I select Group B and then Group A and C become invisible. I
create OPtion Button Frame - Group A, Group B and Group C.
I am having a problem when select Country - Group A to generate reports but
it comes to Group B and Group C show Country-Group C. Same thing with when
I select Group C and it pop up for Group A. I name all combobox
differently but it doesn't work.
Group A
Country ComboBox #1
Group B
Country ComboBox #2
State ComboBox #2
Group C
Country ComboBox #3
State ComboBox#3
City ComboBox#3