Combo Box Filter

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joker
  • Start date Start date


OK, I used the follwoing procedure to create the combo box that is filtered
by another combo box. The problem I have now is that the value it sends
back to the main table are the RegionID and DivisionID when what I want is
the RegionName and DivisionName. What should I fix?


Steps to Reproduce the Behavior

In the following example, the first combo box lists the Region names from
the Region table, and the second combo box lists the Division names from the
Division table. When you select a Region name in the first combo box, the
second combo box is filtered to list only the Division names for that

1. Open the sample database Masterlist.mdb.

2. Create the following query based on the Region table, and then save
the query as qryRegionList.

Field: RegionID RegionName

Table: Region Region

Sort: Ascending

Show: <checked> <checked>



3. Create the following query based on the Division table, and then
save the query as qryDivisionList.

Field: DivisionID DivisionName RegionID

Table: Division Division Division

Sort: Ascending

Show: <checked> <checked> <checked>



NOTE: The IIF() function within the criteria tests to see if the first combo
box is null. If the combo box is null, the query uses all the RegionIDs
within the Division table as criteria, then returns all Division in the
second combo box. If the control is not null, the RegionID that appears on
the form becomes the criteria for the query, and then returns the related

4. Create a new form in Design view that is not based on any table nor
any query.

5. From the View menu click Properties.

6. In the Property sheet, click the Event tab, and then click in the On
Current check box.

7. Click Build next to the check box, click Code Builder, and then
click OK.

8. Enter the following code:


9. Add two combo boxes as follows and then save the form as

Combo Box 1:

Name: cboRegionSSelect

RowSourceType: Table/Query

RowSource: qryRegionList

ColumnCount: 2

ColumnWidths: 0";1"

BoundColumn: 1

Combo Box 2:

Name: cboDivisionSelect

RowSourceType: Table/Query

RowSource: qryDivisionList

ColumnCount: 3

ColumnWidths: 0";1";0"

BoundColumn: 1

10. Right-click the first combo box that is named cboRegionSSelect, and
then click Properties.

11. In the Property sheet, click the Event tab, and then click in the After
Update box.

12. Click the Build button next to the check box, click Code Builder, and
then click OK.

13. Enter the following code:



14. Open the form in Form view, and then sSelect a Region from the first
combo box. Note that the second combo box lists only the Division that are
related to the specific Region.NOTE: Each time that you sSelect a different
Region from the first combo box, the second combo box resets and then lists
the appropriate Division for the Region that you choose.
The BoundColumn property determines what value get stored in the bound
field of a combo box.
Al Camp

Joker said:
OK, I used the follwoing procedure to create the combo box that is
filtered by another combo box. The problem I have now is that the value
it sends back to the main table are the RegionID and DivisionID when what
I want is the RegionName and DivisionName. What should I fix?


Steps to Reproduce the Behavior

In the following example, the first combo box lists the Region names from
the Region table, and the second combo box lists the Division names from
the Division table. When you select a Region name in the first combo box,
the second combo box is filtered to list only the Division names for that

1. Open the sample database Masterlist.mdb.

2. Create the following query based on the Region table, and then
save the query as qryRegionList.

Field: RegionID RegionName

Table: Region Region

Sort: Ascending

Show: <checked> <checked>



3. Create the following query based on the Division table, and then
save the query as qryDivisionList.

Field: DivisionID DivisionName RegionID

Table: Division Division Division

Sort: Ascending Ascending

Show: <checked> <checked> <checked>



NOTE: The IIF() function within the criteria tests to see if the first
combo box is null. If the combo box is null, the query uses all the
RegionIDs within the Division table as criteria, then returns all Division
in the second combo box. If the control is not null, the RegionID that
appears on the form becomes the criteria for the query, and then returns
the related Division.

4. Create a new form in Design view that is not based on any table
nor any query.

5. From the View menu click Properties.

6. In the Property sheet, click the Event tab, and then click in the
On Current check box.

7. Click Build next to the check box, click Code Builder, and then
click OK.

8. Enter the following code:


9. Add two combo boxes as follows and then save the form as

Combo Box 1:

Name: cboRegionSSelect

RowSourceType: Table/Query

RowSource: qryRegionList

ColumnCount: 2

ColumnWidths: 0";1"

BoundColumn: 1

Combo Box 2:

Name: cboDivisionSelect

RowSourceType: Table/Query

RowSource: qryDivisionList

ColumnCount: 3

ColumnWidths: 0";1";0"

BoundColumn: 1

10. Right-click the first combo box that is named cboRegionSSelect, and
then click Properties.

11. In the Property sheet, click the Event tab, and then click in the
After Update box.

12. Click the Build button next to the check box, click Code Builder, and
then click OK.

13. Enter the following code:



14. Open the form in Form view, and then sSelect a Region from the first
combo box. Note that the second combo box lists only the Division that are
related to the specific Region.NOTE: Each time that you sSelect a
different Region from the first combo box, the second combo box resets and
then lists the appropriate Division for the Region that you choose.
AC> Joker,
AC> The BoundColumn property determines what value get stored in the
AC> bound
AC> field of a combo box.
AC> hth
AC> Al Camp

I thought so. Unfortunately, the way the combo filter is set up, if I
change the column that is bound, it messes the filter up. I just changed
what was listed in the main table to the region ID instead of the region